
Everyone is or knows someone who is struggling right now to be heard.

One of the most powerful “psychology skills” is listening, but not just routine listening. In our field we use terms like “active listening” and “deep listening.” Let me explain.

When we communicate we have a natural inclination to talk and share ideas and feelings. Ever notice  your mind wandering in a casual chat?

Active listening is a stance in which we deliberately decide to not just “take turns”, but to deliberately go second. Let the other person speak, uninterrupted, until they’re done.

Pause. Think about what the person said.

Then reflect back what they said naturally. “You’ve really been struggling with…..”

Listen some more. Your turn will come.

Deep listening is a little keener.  Your attention is dialed in to hear what the other person is saying,  somewhat unconsciously. It doesn’t require a response. It’s a commitment to the relationship whether it’s personal or professional to continue thinking about that person’s needs. Health? A promotion concern? Feeling included on a team?

What next? Show curiosity to learn more. Affirm your willingness to be helpful in any struggle.

Compassionate listening strengthens personal relationships.

Compassionate listening builds trust.

Trust Builds….

  • Strong families
  • Strong workplace teams
  • And a better future for all of us.

Building Strong Workplace Teams

Working virtually adds a new challenge for building trust, and ultimately driving progress and innovation.

First some facts about current remote worker worries:

  • Feeling disconnected from prior workplace intimacy
  • Being overlooked for contributions
  • Lacking appropriate learning resources
  • Limited development opportunities

Proven Solutions

  • Be frank and vulnerable about the uncertainties that lie ahead, the current roadmap ahead, and encourage input.
  • Encourage employees  to partner up in a buddy system for weekly check-ups. Switch them up a after a period of time.
  • Share knowledge and creativity openly in team meetings. Promote diverse thinking.
  • Have managers personalize development, both in terms of current projects and future objectives.

Need A Quick Change, A Plan For Your Team or Organization?

Sign up for a coaching session to learn and apply these skills personalized to you.